1. Reticent - Inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself; restrained or reserved in style; reluctant; unwilling; secretive, quiet; reserved; quiet; not saying much, especially about one's thoughts
2. Accost - To approach and speak to boldly or aggressively, as with a demand or request; approach for conversation or solicitation; suddenly approach another to speak; to meet face-to-face, especially defiantly
3. Illicit - Not sanctioned by custom or law; unlawful; improperly formed; ungrammatical; not legal; forbidden; forbidden
4. Conciliatory - Tending to conciliate; pacific; mollifying; propitiating; placid, yielding
5. Misdemeanor - A misdeed; breaking of the law that is less serious than a felony; minor crime, punishable by a fine or a light jail term
6. Drawl - To speak with lengthened or drawn-out vowels; lengthen, draw out; a slow speech pattern with prolonged vowels; in particular, draw out the vowels
7. Fathomless - Too obscure or complicated to be understood; bottomless; of meaning; not capable of being penetrated
8. Puissant - Having or able to exert great power; powerful
9. Folly - A lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight; an act or instance of foolishness: regretted the follies of his youth
10. Nebulous - Cloudy, misty, or hazy; lacking definite form or limits; vague; liable to more than one interpretation; confused, obscure
11. Inept - Unskillful; or not fit or suitable; clumsy, unskilled; incompetent; not suitable; improper
12. Ostracize - To exclude from a group; to exclude from normal social or professional activities; to force to leave a country or place by official decree; exile, banish; to put into public disfavor
13. Embezzling - To take (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of a trust; steal money, often from employer; steal what was entrusted to one's care
14. Accolade - An expression of approval; praise; special acknowledgment; an award; ceremonial embrace, as of greeting or salutation; ceremonial bestowal of knighthood; recognition; ornamental treatment, used over an arch, a door, or a window, composed of two curves meeting in the middle; often a richly decorated molding; approval
15. Frugal - Practicing or marked by economy, as in the expenditure of money or the use of material resources; costing little; inexpensive; economical; very careful with money
16. Rebuff - A blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer; check or an abrupt setback to progress or action; unkind refusal or rejection; snub; turning away; ignoring
17. Succinct - Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words; concise and terse
18. Barren - Unable to produce anything; sparse, unable to support growth; unprofitable
19. Ponderous - Having great weight; unwieldy from weight or bulk; lacking grace or fluency; labored and dull; dreary, tedious; heavy, cumbersome
20. Ravenous - Extremely hungry; voracious; rapacious; predatory; greedy for gratification; very hungry; desirous; greedy
21. Imbue - To inspire or influence thoroughly; pervade; to permeate or saturate; to stain or dye deeply; to cause to be filled, as with a particular mood or tone; infuse, saturate
22. Gainsay - To declare false; deny; to oppose, especially by contradiction; refuse to admit the truth, reality, value, or worth of
23. Philanthropist - One who practices philanthropy; one who loves mankind, and seeks to promote the good of others; rich (and usually bald) old gentleman who has trained himself to grin while his conscience is picking his pocket
24. Adamant - Impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason; stubbornly unyielding; stone once believed to be impenetrable in its hardness; extremely hard substance; hard like rock; unyielding; mineral frequently found beneath a corset. soluble in solicitate of gold; unbreakable
25. Maverick - An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it; one that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter; being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence; radical
26. Doggerel - Crudely or irregularly fashioned verse, often of a humorous or burlesque nature; crude and comic verse
27. Forthright - Direct and without evasion; straightforward; directly and frankly; manifesting honesty and directness, especially speech
28. Camouflage - To use protective coloring or garments for concealment; disguise, cover; conceal by the use of disguise or by protective coloring or garments that blend in with the surrounding environment
29. Ingratiate - To bring (oneself, for example) into the favor or good graces of another, especially by deliberate effort; get on the good side of someone; win confidence or good graces for oneself; gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
30. Sonnet - A 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes
31. Gullible - Easily deceived or duped; easily imposed on or tricked; naive, trusting
32. Disgruntled - To put in a bad mood; unhappy; critical; in a state of sulky dissatisfaction
33. Entice - To attract by arousing hope or desire; lure; tempt or persuade
34. Desultory - Having no set plan; haphazard or random; moving or jumping from one thing to another; disconnected; without aim, purpose, or intent; marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose; jumping from one thing to another
35. Vivid - Perceived as bright and distinct; brilliant; having intensely bright colors; having a very high degree of saturation; presented in clear and striking manner; felt with the freshness of immediate experience; active in forming lifelike images
36. Trifle - Something of small importance; very small amount; waste; dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake soaked in sherry, rum, or brandy and topped with layers of jam or jelly, custard, and whipped cream; deal with something as if it were of little significance or value; act, perform, or speak with little seriousness or purpose; jest
37. Bestow - To present as a gift or honor; give, allot; to store or house; to provide with often temporary lodging; give formally or officially
38. Narcissist - A conceited, self-centered person; someone in love with themselves
39. Stolid - Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; impassive; apathetic, stupid; without emotion or interest
40. Fretwork - Ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets; geometric openwork; design of short bars or lines fitted together
41. Luculent - Easily understood; clear or lucid; (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
42. Candid - Free from prejudice; impartial; characterized by openness and sincerity of expression; unreservedly straightforward; unposed informal photograph; not posed or rehearsed; manifesting honesty and directness, especially in speech; honest
43. Euphemism - The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive; use or an instance of equivocal language; polite term
44. Obeisance - A gesture or movement of the body, such as a curtsy, that expresses deference or homage; great respect or high public esteem accorded as a right or as due; salutation, curtsy
45. Summit - The highest point or part; the top; highest level or degree that can be attained; highest level, as of government officials; conference or meeting of high-level leaders, usually called to shape a program of action; top, crowning point
46. Exanimate - Lifeless; dead; to deprive of life or spirit; destitute of animation; spiritless; disheartened; deprive of animation or of life; deprived of life
47. Paucity - Smallness of number; fewness; lack, scarcity; condition or fact of being deficient
48. Cognizant - Fully informed; conscious
49. Agitate - To cause to move with violence or sudden force; upset; disturb; arouse interest; stir up public interest in a cause; disturb, trouble someone; shake (physically)
50. Countenance - Appearance, especially the expression of the face; face or facial features; look or expression indicative of encouragement or of moral support; give sanction or support to; tolerate or approve; disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood
51. Clairvoyant - Having the supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses; person, such as a medium, possessing the supposed power of clairvoyance; person, commonly a woman, who has the power of seeing that which is invisible to her patron, namely, that he is a blockhead; person who has the power to see or know things that are not present to the senses; perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses; foreseeing the future
52. Vehement - Characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid
53. Pervasive - Having the quality or tendency to pervade or permeate; spreading throughout; extending; suffusing
54. Diaphanous - So light and insubstantial as to resemble air or a thin film; fine, see-through
55. Intimidate - To make timid; fill with fear; to coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats; frighten, threaten
56. Scrutiny - A close, careful examination or study; close observation; surveillance
57. Impervious - Incapable of being penetrated; incapable of being affected; having the capacity to withstand; not allowing to pass through
58. Drake - A male duck; mayfly used as fishing bait
59. Lax - Lacking in rigor, strictness, or firmness; not taut, firm, or compact; slack; not strict
60. Misdemeanor - A misdeed; breaking of the law that is less serious than a felony; minor crime, punishable by a fine or a light jail term
61. Lull - To make or become calm; pause, calm; ease off; to cause to sleep or rest
62. Conciliatory - Tending to conciliate; pacific; mollifying; propitiating; placid, yielding
63. Convoluted - Having numerous overlapping coils or folds; intricate; complicated; coiled; twisted
64. Repudiate - To refuse to recognize or acknowledge; reject; turn one's back on; disown
65. Surreptitious - Obtained, done, or made by clandestine or stealthy means; sneaky, secret; trickily secret; conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods; Marked by quiet and caution and secrecy
66. Peremptory - Urgent; imperative; overbearing, authoritative; tending to dictate; offensively self-assured; dictatorial; having the nature of or expressing a command; urgent; not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative; putting an end to all debate or action
67. Penurious - Unwilling to spend money; stingy; yielding little; barren; poverty-stricken; destitute; mean; poor; ungenerously or pettily reluctant to spend money
68. Ballad - A song/ poem that tells a story; narrative poem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung, consisting of simple stanzas and usually having a refrain
69. Hardy - Being in robust and sturdy good health; courageous; intrepid; brazenly daring; audacious; capable of surviving unfavorable conditions, such as cold weather or lack of moisture; strong, tough
70. Salve - An analgesic or medicinal ointment; ointment that soothes or cools wounds; something that soothes or heals; a balm; flattery or commendation; ease the distress or agitation of; assuage
71. Mosaic - A picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces, as of stone or tile, into a surface; viral disease of plants, resulting in light and dark areas in the leaves, which often become shriveled and dwarfed; photosensitive surface, as in the iconoscope of a television camera
72. Crotchety - Capriciously stubborn or eccentric; perverse; having a difficult and contrary disposition; irritable, often due to old age
73. Hankering - Strong desire
74. Foolhardy - Unwisely bold or venturesome; rash; characterized by unthinking boldness and haste; impetuous, rash; adventurous or bold but lacking in good sense
75. Importune - To beset with insistent or repeated requests; entreat pressingly; annoy; vex; beg persistently and urgently
76. Dart - A sudden rapid movement; a small light pointed missile
77. Exacerbate - To increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of; aggravate; infuriate; make more sharp, severe, or virulent
78. Befriend - To behave as a friend to; make social acquaintance; support
79. Stygian - Gloomy and dark; infernal; hellish
80. Enervate - To weaken or destroy the strength or vitality; deprived of strength; debilitated; lessen or deplete the nerve, energy, or strength of; lack of nervous energy
81. Vitiate - To reduce the value or impair the quality of; to corrupt morally; debase; to make ineffective; invalidate
82. Solace - Comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or distress; consolation; comfort, cheer, or console, as in trouble or sorrow; allay or assuage; comfort, peace
83. Pitfall - An unapparent source of trouble or danger; a hidden hazard; concealed hole in the ground that serves as a trap; hazard, trap
84. Intermittent - Stopping and starting at intervals; alternately containing and empty of water; irregular, sporadic; happening or appearing now and then
85. Vindicated - Show to be right by providing justification or prove; maintain uphold, or defend; clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof; prove one's innocence; exact revenge for; avenge
86. Regimen - A systematized order or course of living with reference to food, clothing and personal habits; strictly regulated scheme of diet, exercise, or other activity designed to achieve certain ends; regulated system, as of diet, therapy, or exercise, intended to promote health or achieve another beneficial effect; course of intense physical training; systematic procedure of a natural phenomenon or process; governmental rule or control
87. Pulchritude - Great physical beauty and appeal; physical beauty (especially of a woman)
88. Schism - A separation or division into factions; disunion; discord; state of disagreement and disharmony; condition of being divided, as in opinion; interruption in friendly relations
89. Connive - To cooperate secretly in an illegal or wrongful action; collude; to scheme; plot; to feign ignorance of or fail to take measures against a wrong, thus implying tacit encouragement or consent; to be blissfully ignorant; to be tolerant of wrong-doing
90. Encipher - To put (a message, for example) into cipher; convert plain text into unintelligible form by means of a cipher system
91. Scathed - To harm or injure, especially by fire; to criticize or denounce severely; excoriate; the act of damaging something or someone; criticize harshly and devastatingly
92. Soporific - Inducing or tending to induce sleep; drowsy; drug or other substance that induces sleep; a hypnotic; sleepy; sleep-inducing
93. Cameo - To make into or like a gem or shell carved in relief; to portray in sharp, delicate relief, as in a literary composition
94. Testy - Irritated, impatient, or exasperated; peevish; touchy; easily annoyed
95. Labyrinthine - Difficult to understand because of intricacy; of, relating to, resembling, or constituting a labyrinth; complicated
96. Limpid - Admitting light so that objects beyond can be seen; characterized by transparent clearness; calm and untroubled; serene; clear; comprehensible
97. Exinanite - To make empty; to render of no effect; to humble
98. Didactic - Intended to teach a moral lesson; inclined to teach or moralize excessively
99. Prodigal - Rashly or wastefully extravagant; giving or given in abundance; lavish or profuse; wasteful; a recklessly extravagant consumer
100. Recant - To make a formal retraction or disavowal of (a statement or belief to which one has previously committed oneself); make a formal retraction or disavowal of a previously held statement or belief; to disavow (something previously written or said) irrevocably and usually formally; take back something said; to take back formally an opinion or belief
101. Noxious - Harmful to the mind or morals; corrupting; injurious to health
102. Meandering - Rambling; winding
103. Mulish - Stubborn and intractable; recalcitrant; unreasonably rigid in the face of argument or entreaty or attack
104. Transient - Temporary, fleeting, or passing phenomenon. A transient condition is of brief duration; lasting or existing only for a short time; an individual awaiting orders, transport, etc., at a post or station to which he or she is not attached or assigned
105. Exude - To ooze forth; to discharge or emit (a liquid or gas, for example) gradually; to exhibit in abundance; to flow or leak out or emit something slowly; display, emit
106. Fling - To throw with violence; throw (oneself) into an activity with abandon and energy; usually brief attempt or effort; period of uncontrolled self-indulgence
107. Pacify - To ease the anger or agitation of; to end war, fighting, or violence in; establish peace in; appease
108. Comprehensive - So large in scope or content as to include much; full; including everything; inclusive; covering a wide scope
109. Elucidate - To make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify; give an explanation that serves to clarify; make clear or clearer; explain in detail; make the facts more clear; explain
110. Dire - Warning of or having dreadful or terrible consequences; calamitous; urgent; desperate; terrible, ominous; urgent; crucial
111. Substantiate - To support with proof or evidence; verify; give material form to; embody; make firm or solid; give substance to; make real or actual
112. Timeworn - Showing the effects of long use or wear; used too often; trite; repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; without freshness or appeal because of overuse; belonging to, existing, or occurring in times long past
113. Failsafe - Guaranteed not to fail; eliminating danger by compensating automatically for a failure or malfunction; acting to discontinue a military attack on the occurrence of any of various predetermined conditions
114. Serendipitous - The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident; fact or occurrence of such discoveries; instance of making such a discovery
115. Endeavor - To try hard; attempt to achieve something; work with a set or specified goal or purpose; conscientious or concerted effort toward an end; an earnest attempt; enterprise
116. Contrite - Feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses, feeling regret for a fault or offence
117. Malleable - Capable of being shaped or formed, as by hammering or pressure; tractable; able to adjust to changing circumstances; adaptable; pliable; flexible
118. Puckish - Mischievous; impish; naughtily or annoyingly playful
119. Teetotaler - One who abstains completely from alcoholic beverages; a total abstainer; practice of refraining from use of alcoholic liquors
120. Disdain
121. Caustic - Capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action; so sharp as to cause mental pain; burning, corrosive; sarcastic; destroying living tissue by chemical burning action; enveloping surface formed by light rays reflecting or refracting from a curved surface, especially one with spherical aberration; causing a burning or stinging sensation, as from intense emotion
122. Tortuous - Full of plot twists
123. Luculent - Easily understood; clear or lucid; (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
124. Stalwart - Capable of exerting considerable effort or of withstanding considerable stress or hardship; strong, valiant; brave and resolute; who is physically and morally strong; who steadfastly supports an organization or cause; stout
125. Alluring - Attractive; enticing; highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire; that allures; attracting; charming; tempting; tending to seduce
126. Perturbation - The state of being perturbed; agitation; small change in a physical system; state of discomposure; upset, unsettle
127. Recommit - To refer (proposed legislation, for example) to a committee again; commit again
128. Derision - Tending to make or become worse; disparaging or belittling word or expression; tending to demean or belittle; negative
129. Overhaul - To examine or go over carefully for needed repairs; dismantle in order to make repairs; make extensive renovations or revisions on; renovate; catch up with; overtake;restore to proper condition or functioning
130. Lampoon - A written attack ridiculing a person, group, or institution; light, good-humored satire; a work, as a novel or play, that exposes folly by the use of humor or irony; ridicule, make fun of
131. Articulate - To speak clearly and distinctly; say clearly, coherently; connect; form a joint; be jointed; characterized by the use of clear, expressive language
132. Harbor - A safe place for ships to end a journey or stay over; sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships; place of shelter; a refuge; provide with often temporary lodging; hold in imagination; hide, protect; place where ships taking shelter from stores are exposed to the fury of the customs
133. Choir - An organized company of singers, especially one performing church music or singing in a church
Monday, May 4, 2009
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