Tuesday, September 23, 2008


baleful - beneficent

balm - irritant

banal - original

bane - blessing

baneful - salubrious

beatific - impish

bedizen - strip bare

belated - on time

belittle - magnify

benevolent - miserly

benign - malignant

benignity - evilness

benison - curse

bent - ineptitude

berate - eulogize

berserk - sane

bestial - noble

billingsgate - acclaim

blanch - darken

bland - spicy

blandishment - criticism

blithe - grave

boisterous - peaceful

bolster - undermine

bombast - simple speech

boorish - suave

boycott - patronize

brackish - sweetish

brindled - of uniform color

brook - refuse to tolerate

bucolic - urban

burnish - dull

Saturday, September 13, 2008


cadge - earn

calligraphy - scribbling

callow – experienced

calumniate - vindicate

camaraderie - animosity

candid - secretive

capacious - not spacious

capitulation - resistance

capricious - steadfast

captious - tolerant

carnal - spiritual

carnivorous - vegetarian

carousal - sobriety

carping - acquiescent

carte blanche - restriction

catalyze - inhibit

catholic - narrow

caucus - conspiracy

celerity - delay

celibate - married

censure - praise

centrifugal - centripetal

centripetal - centrifugal

cessation - beginning

chaffing - serious

chaotic - orderly

chary - foolhardy

chaste - impure

chasten - reward

chide - praise

chimerical - realistic

chimerical - not fantastic

choleric - good-natured

churlish - polite

circuitous - direct

clandestine - overt

clemency - unmerciful treatment

cliche - novelty

coagulate - dissipate

cogent - unconvincing

cognizance - ignorance

cognizant - ignorant

cognoscitive - unconscious

cohesion - independence

colloquial - polished

comatose - alert

comity - discord

commodious - limited

compatible - in disagreement with

compendious - verbose

complacency - dissatisfaction

complaisance - churlishness

compliant - adamant

compound - separate

conciliate - quarrel

concur - dissent

condign - inadequate

condone - denounce

conduce - counteract

conform - not hew to

conjecture - certainty

console - aggravate grief

contamination - purification

contemplated - random

contiguity - remoteness

convivial - unsociable

convoke - adjourn

corroborate - controvert

cower - brazenly confront

coy - bold

cozen - treat honestly

crabbed - sweet-tempered

crass - refined

craven - brave

cryptic - candid

cudgel - caress

cupidity - generosity

current - obsolete

cursory - detailed

curtail - lengthen

cynical – trusting

Sunday, September 7, 2008


dank - dry

dastard – hero

dauntless - weak

debacle - complete success

debilitate - strengthen

debility - strength

debonair - awkward

decant - slosh out

declivity - upward slope

decorous - improper

decorous - improper

decrepit - youthful

decry - condone

defalcate - use money held in trust properly

defection - joining

deference - contempt

defile - purify

delete - insert

deleterious - harmless

demise - birth

denunciation - eulogy

deposition - process of eroding

depravity - goodness

depredation - restoration

deranged - sane

derisive - laudatory

derogatory - praising

desecrate - consecrate

desiccate - drench

despicable - worthy of esteem

destitute - affluent

desultory - systematic

deterioration - improvement

devoid - full of

devout - impious

diabolical - seraphic

diatribe - praise

differentiate - combine

diffidence - boldness

dilate - narrow

dilation - contraction

dilatory - expediting

dilettante - professional

diminution - appreciation

disabuse - deceive

disarm - put on guard

discern - overlook

disconsolate - joyous

discrete - continuous

disheveled - tidy

disingenuous - naive

disinterested - prejudiced

disjointed - connected

disparage - eulogize

disputatious - conciliatory

disrupt - join together

dissemble - behave honestly

dissipate - economize

dissonance - concord

dissonant - harmonious

dissuade - exhort

distend - diminish

divulge - keep secret

doff - don

doleful - merry

dolorous - happy

dolt - clever person

doltish - clever

dormant - alert

drivel - sense

droll - humorless

ductility - brittleness

dwindle - increase

Thursday, September 4, 2008


eclectic - uniform

effluvia - desired products

effrontery - shyness

egress - entrance

egress - entrance

elated - crestfallen

elicit - stifle

emaciated - stout

emaciation - invigoration

emancipate - enslave

embellish - disfigure

eminent - notorious

emollient - irritating

endemic - pandemic

enervate - invigorate

enervate - fortify

enigmatic - free of ambiguity

enmity - affection

ennui - excitement

ensconce - uncover

ensemble - solo

ensue - precede

ephemeral - permanent

equable - stormy

equanimity - agitation

equivocal - clear

erratic - consistent

ersatz - authentic

erudite - ignorant

erudite - ignorant

eschew - welcome

esoteric - generally known

ethereal - tangible

eulogistic - critical

euphonious - strident

euphony - discord

euphoria - discomfort

evasive - frank

evasive - frank

evince - conceal

exasperate - placate

excoriate - praise

exculpate - attribute guilt

execrable - excellent

execrate - acclaim

exhort - dissuade

exhume - inter

exodus - entry

exonerate - accuse

exorbitant - moderate

expatiate - talk briefly

expunge - perpetuate

extant - destroyed

extant - lost or destroyed

extemporaneous - rehearsed

extinguish - ignite

extirpate - implant

extraneous - essential

extrinsic - inherent

extrovert - introvert

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


factitious - spontaneous

fallacy - valid argument

fantastic - realistic

fatuous - sensible

fawning - arrogant

feasible - impractical

feckless - strong

fecund - unable to produce

felicity - misery

fell - propitious

ferrous - containing no iron

fervid - restrained

fetid - having a pleasant smell

fettered - liberated

fiasco - success

fickle - loyal

fidelity - treachery

flaccid - taut

flagrant - conspicuously good

flamboyant - restrained

flaunt - hide

fledgling - experienced

flinch - extol

fluctuate - remain steady

fluency - hesitance

focus - disperse

fortuitous - unfortunate

fractious - agreeable

frangible - sturdy

frequency - rarity

frequent - visit rarely

frothy - substantial

frustrate - abet

fulgent - dull

fumble - handle adroitly

furtive - open


The owner of this blog has taken due care and caution in the compilation of data as this has been obtained from various sources which it considers reliable. However, the owner of the blog does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information and cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information and especially states that neither the blog or the owner has no financial liability whatsoever. The blog only offers a method for helping GRE aspirants in their study. Readers are advised to use this blog only as an associated element of study in addition to traditional methods of prepartion for the GRE. Any error or mistake in the content can be notified at pictionary.admin@gmail.com